Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween at Toastmasters

OK. I know that some of you already think I'm strange, but just in case you didn't--here's the proof. I had the idea of doing a Halloween theme meeting for our Toastmasters club. Some members were skeptical, but as the collage at the left shows--we had FUN!

There seems to be too little fun in the world these days. So, if you have a chance to get together with friends and have some fun--take that chance! It's worth it, even if you have to be a little embarassed.

Grab the joy when you can!!

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

See?! I told you so!

See? Didn't I say they were cute? These are my new kids. I am now the adoptive mother of another 116 kids. I'm blessed.

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Scientific English Seminar

I met my lovely 2nd year students today! They're very cute and enthusiastic. I can't wait to see them again next week.

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Let the classes begin!!

Today is the first day for me to meet my new 2nd year students for class (the huge class --116 this year!). I'm really looking forward to meeting them. I don't know what this year's class will bring, but I feel like a new adventure is beginning! Last year's class was an adventure and I'm still enjoying knowing those students.

So . . . let the classes begin!