Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Making up for lost time . . .

I've spent a lot of weekends this month and last away at conferences and workshops, so I get to take a few days off in exchange for those days. I miss my family when I don't get to spend weekends with them, so I plan to make up for it by cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner this weekend. Turkey--YUM!
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Unknown said...

Hi, this is the itchy boy in your class!! You seem to have a very lovely family!!
I wanted to do something on the Thanks giving day with my friends, but I'm too busy right now. The "University Festival" (is this the correct word?) is coming!! I may make a loast chiken for myself on the Thanks giving, instead...

foreign teacher said...

Hey Itchy,
I wish you could share our Thanksgiving turkey. I'm cooking it today! Oh well, enjoy your roast chicken and have fun at the university festival