Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mom and Dad

My Dad turned 70 this summer and my son and I were able to be with him on his special day. Do you appreciate your parents, dear students? I hope so! Whether you have a Mom and Dad, or just a Mom or just a Dad--you have been blessed with someone who has watched over you and worked for you all of your life.

My parents are a treasure to me, and even though I have lived an ocean away from them for most of my life, I know that their love has seen me through every step of my way. The older I get, the more I become like them. You'll probably notice this about yourselves someday too. Maybe you don't like the idea of becoming like your parents, but most of us are destined to do so. That doesn't mean that you can't be you--unique and different from them in many ways. Just do your best to carry on the best traits you've received from them and add in those things that are uniquely yours. That's what I hope for my own children. If there is anything that is good about me, I hope it will be passed on to them--but mostly, I hope they will surpass me in everything and become better people than I.

So, Mom--thanks for the sense of humor! Dad, thanks for the strength and wisdom! I hope that I  can carry those things on and pass them to my kids.^^

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