Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Learning by Doing

Weighing babies isn't so easy when you only have an adult scale.
Let's get it clean!
Everything looks good here.

Try to sit still while he takes your temperature.
Let me see . . .

Prayers from Nicaragua for Japan

On the day after the big earthquake, 8 students joined me on a service-learning trip to Nicaragua. We visited small mountain villages that didn't have access to medical clinics and medicine. The volunteer spirit of those 8 students made a big impression on the lives of everyone we met.

An amazing thing to me in Nicaragua was that even in the poor villages, people who had gotten word of Japan's sorrow were praying for a swift recovery for Japan. It was very humbling to hear people who live in the humblest of circumstances praying for Japan.

March 11, 2011: A day we will never forget

On the day of my son's 9th grade graduation, a 9.0 earthquake followed by tsunamis devastated the Tohoku region of Japan. Little did we know that at the very time that we sat in my son's jr. high classroom celebrating, thousands of people were losing their lives in the worst natural disaster Japan has faced since the 1923 great Kanto earthquake.

We sadly watch the news everyday and continue to pray for healing for Japan.