Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Friends at IAMSE

This is none other than the famous Dr. Ron Hardin, pioneer of the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) that many of you will be taking next year.

Dr. Matthew Gwee is the Dean of National University of Singapore's medical school.

My classmates in the ESME course (Essential Skills in Medical Education) were from countries all over the world, including Canada, the USA, Kenya, the Sudan, England, Australia and more!
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Bikes everywhere!

It was great to see all of the people riding bikes in Leiden and Amsterdam. Whole families were pedaling along. But you really had to be careful not to be run over by a cyclist. A young doctor at Leiden University joked that they should be called "suicyclists." Get it?

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TBL in Japan goes to Holland

Dear Students, I introduced what we've been doing in our classes with TBL. You may see some familiar faces on this poster. You all went to Leiden with me! -- at least you were all in my heart.

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Conference in Holland

Hi Everyone,

I know it's been a long time. Sorry! I've been going to a lot of conferences and learning a lot. This is Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), or the Leiden University Hospital. I went to Leiden in the Netherlands for the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). You may wonder why an English teacher would visit a science educators conference. That's easy! I teach "scientific" English AND I wanted to meet the experts in using team-based learning (TBL). I think that TBL has been a real lifesaver for our classes and I wanted to get a chance to talk to some real professionals in the field. It was great! I learned a lot and made some great friends. I can't wait to try what I've learned!

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